Our scan story

Since I got the date for our first scan I’ve literally not been able to think of anything else, I’ve had a real mix of nerves and excitement and spent all my spare time wondering what baby would look like and hoping that everything was okay.

I had so many worries and even dreams that we would get to the scan and they would say I wasn’t pregnant, so much so that I did another pregnancy test to make sure I was still pregnant, sounds crazy but it put my mind at rest, did anyone have this?


When we got to the hospital we were seen really quickly and they showed us into the room where you lay on the bed. The sonographer put some jelly on my tummy and started rolling the scanner over my lower abdomen and immediately an image came up on the screen. She zoomed right in and straight away you could see the tiny little baby in my womb. In that one moment my heart swelled and I was so overwhelmed with relief and happiness that I cried.

It was the most amazing feeling in the world seeing our little baby on the screen and the sonographer showed us the head, arms, legs and the beating heart and you realise how amazing it is that within only 12 weeks you’ve grown that little person in your tummy. I didn’t know what to expect but I was amazed how much it looked baby shaped and on the screen you could see he / she so clearly. During the scan he / she kept moving and switching position and it was just incredible to see.

The point of the 12 week scan is to date the pregnancy and according to the scan I was 12 weeks and 6 days with my due date being August 26th – a Summer baby!

When the sonographer had finished looking at baby – they measure all the different limbs and make sure that everything is developing as it should – they gave us some pictures of the baby which I was so happy about. We had to go for a blood test after the scan and I just sat looking at the pictures in the waiting room and couldn’t stop crying with happiness – I sound like a right sop. The scan makes it all seem real and it was great for Jay to see as obviously I’d had symptoms of being pregnant but I think it’s difficult for men to relate as they’re not feeling any changes themselves.

The only downside was it seemed to go really quickly and I could have stayed there all day looking at my little baby and marveling over how amazing they are. Introducing Baby Douglas . . .


Now I just can’t wait until our next scan at 20 weeks where we get to see our baby again and will find out if it’s a girl or a boy – it’s so exciting! I cant wait to find out especially as there’s so much shopping to do!


7 thoughts on “Our scan story

  1. Ah! Your baby looks a beautiful little bean. This post is making me well up (at work, embarrassingly) as I could have written it about myself, I had exactly the same emotions at my week 12 (I am due July 26th) – I worried I would get there and there would be nothing there, and like you, I wished I could have stayed and watched the baby for hours. I’m now worrying and fretting about my week 20! Aarrrgggh.

    • Thank you, it’s so nice and reassuring to know that other people experience the same worries. Good luck with your 20 week scan are you going to find out the sex? XOXO

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